Dynamic Web Development with Seaside

15.1Defining A Model

It is a good software engineering practice to clearly separate the domain from its views. This is a common practice which allows one to change the rendering or even the rendering framework without having to deal with the internal aspects of the model. Thus, we will begin by presenting a simple model for a todo list that contains todo items as shown by Figure 97.

A simple model with items and an item container

ToDoItem Class. A todo item is characterized by a title, a due date and a status which indicates whether the item is done.

Object subclass: #ToDoItem
instanceVariableNames: 'title due done'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'ToDo-Model'

It has accessor methods for the instance variables title, due and done.

^ title
ToDoitem>>title: aString
title := aString
^ due
ToDoItem>>due: aDate
due := aDate asDate
^ done
ToDoItem>>done: aBoolean
done := aBoolean

We specify the default values when a new todo item is created by defining a method initialize as follows:

self title: 'ToDo Item'.
self due: Date tomorrow.
self done: false.

A word about initialize and new. Squeak/Pharo is the only Smalltalk dialect that performs automatic object initialization. This greatly simplifies the definition of classes. If you have defined an initialize method, it will be automatically called when you send the message new to your classes. In addition, the method initialize is defined in the class Object so you can (and are encouraged) to invoke potential initialize methods of your superclasses using super initialize in your own initialize method. If you want to write code that is portable between dialects, you should redefine the method new in all your root classes (subclasses of Object) as shown below and you should not invoke initialize via a super call in your root classes.

ToDoItem class>>new
^ self basicNew initialize

In this book we follow this convention and this is why we have not added super initialize in the methods ToDoItem>>initialize and ToDoList>>initialize.

We also add two testing methods to our todo item:

^ self done
^ self isDone not and: [ Date today > self due ]

ToDoList Class. We now create a class that will hold a list of todo items. The instance variables will contain a title and a list of items. In addition, we define a class variable Default that will refer to a singleton of our class.

Object subclass: #ToDoList
instanceVariableNames: 'title items'
classVariableNames: 'Default'
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'ToDo-Model'

You should next add the associated accessor methods title, title:, items and items:.

The instance variable items is initialized with an OrderedCollection in the initialize method:

self items: OrderedCollection new

We define two methods to add and remove items.

ToDoList>>add: aTodoItem
self items add: aTodoItem
ToDoList>>remove: aTodoItem
^ self items remove: aTodoItem

Now we define the class-side method default that implements a lazy initialization of the singleton, initializes it with some examples and returns it. The class-side method reset will reset the singleton if necessary.

ToDoList class>>default
^ Default ifNil: [ Default := self new ]
ToDoList class>>reset
Default := nil

Finally, we define a method to add some todo items to our application so that we have some items to work with.

ToDoList class>>initializeExamples
"self initializeExamples"

self default
title: 'Seaside ToDo';
add: (ToDoItem new
title: 'Finish todo app chapter';
due: '11/15/2007' asDate;
done: false);
add: (ToDoItem new
title: 'Annotate first chapter';
due: '04/21/2008' asDate;
done: true);
add: (ToDoItem new
title: 'Watch out for UNIX Millenium bug';
due: '01/19/2038' asDate;
done: false)

Now evaluate this method (by selecting the self initializeExamples text and selecting do it from the context menu). This will populate our model with some default todo items.

Now we are ready to define our seaside application using this model.

Copyright © 28 April 2024 Stéphane Ducasse, Lukas Renggli, C. David Shaffer, Rick Zaccone
This book is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 license.

This book is published using Seaside, Magritte and the Pier book publishing engine.